Senin, 23 Januari 2012

crazy holiday

what r u doing in holiday?
hmmm...banyak banget kegiatan yg bs dilakuin pas holiday...
hmm kegiatan minggu kemaren yah biasa lah rutin ngeberesin rumah yang belum selesai...
hmm after that what we gonna be do...
hahha so crazy cuz we made 4 video lipsing so LOL...
crazy but funny with my family and sister's (puthe n syifa)
so there are some video for have fun...
enjoy ladies....

this video we lipsing the song of love is u from cherrybelle...haahhahhahhah funny for me...

the second video we choose the song from cherrybell again...
yeah u'r beautyfull for beautyfull girl yey...hihihi

the 3rd video fo galau time...hihihi the first galau song is Apalah arti menunggu from Raisa...

and the last video we made lipsing from Rumor-butiran debu... penyanyi pendatang baru from our city...
yeah from makassar...

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